now you will know what random thoughts really mean :) Lets recreate human civilization…. Lets start with any one idea…say scientific…so man evolved from apes undergoing many steps of evolution and in the course gained many of his abilities and nature.finally just before entering into the humans domain he was an ape.lets study how was his nature by then…he was living for food and food made him live but he was also doing a function for nature . unknowingly he was taking the living life form to become something that would be called he did it..he learned somethings in life ..some good ,some bad..good in the sense which made him survive …bad which made him lose on his life…(the things were of course relative i.e. things that were good for some became bad for some)…but nature had only one idea in her mind she had to make the best possible individual at the end of evolution. She did this by a process of elimination…which she managed very simply by limiting the resources.she a...