Lets go back to a time when we were animals ,even more back when we were small unicellular organisms. At that time we were dispersed, not colonized, even the concept of a colony was not known to us.We were one, single entity. Our existence continued because of ourselves. Nobody helped us and we helped nobody. We traded with mother nature regularly. She gave us useful nutrients, we did some of her work. Many things we are doing today in this nation called the human body are what we learnt then. Like initially we did not even have the concept of an entity. So we defined what an entity is and then we defined borders. Just for fun, one day , one of our forefathers thought Say everything inside this membrane is me. Eventually we started developing a feeling, lets call it the EATY feeling ( E verything outside is to be A ttached T o Y ourself). We then learnt how to pass the outside particles inside our body. We were on fire in defining things on that day. And we did a good job. We take tho...